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그런즉 누구든지 그리스도 안에 있으면 새로운 피조물이라

이전 것은 지나갔으니 보라 새것이 되었도다

하나님의표적과 기적이 있는교회

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킹덤빌더교회 온라인헌금: 기업은행 238-044092-01-012 이상열


신유 말씀치유집회 문의:이상열목사 010-3438-1859

신앙생활같이하실분모십니다: 논산계룡 대전 공주 부여 익산 전주 금산 

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눅 4:18-19 주의 성령이 내게 임하셨으니

이는 가난한 자에게 복음을 전하게 하시려고 내게 기름을 부으시고

나를 보내사 포로 된 자에게 자유를, 눈 먼 자에게 다시 보게 함을 전파하며

눌린 자를 자유롭게 하고

주의 은혜의 해를 전파하게 하려 하심이라 하였더라

3.내가 들으니 보좌에서 큰 음성이 나서 이르되 보라 하나님의 장막이 사람들과 함께 있으매 하나님이 그들과 함께 계시리니 그들은 하나님의 백성이 되고 하나님은 친히 그들과 함께 계셔서

4 모든 눈물을 그 눈에서 닦아 주시니 다시는 사망이 없고 애통하는 것이나 곡하는 것이나 아픈 것이 다시 있지 아니하리니 처음 것들이 다 지나갔음이러라


당신은 하나님의 걸작품입니다.

예수님께서 피 흘리심으로 우리에 모든죄를 사하셨습니다.

예수님께서 채찍에 맞으심으로 우리에 모든병을 치료 하셨습니다.

예수님께서 가난하게 되심으로 우리를 부요케 하셨습니다.

예수님께서 저주를 받으심으로 우리를 율법의 저주에서 속량하셨습니다.

예수님께서 징계를 받으심으로 우리가 평안과 기쁨을 누립니다.

예수님께서 찔리심으로 우리의 모든 허물을 담당하셨습니다.

예수님께서 부활하심으로 우리에게 영원한 생명을 주셨습니다.

예수님께서 하늘보좌에 앉으심으로 우리를 함께 하늘에 앉히셨습니다.

예수님께서 성령을 보내심으로 우리와 항상 함께 하십니다.

그리스도인 새로운피조물 고백기도


나는 영생을 가지고있습니다. 나는 사탄을 정복했습니다.

 나는 하나님의 걸작품입니다.나는 믿음을 가지고있습니다.

나는 하나님의 의로 의롭게되었습니다.나는 거룩한자입니다.

나는 모든것을 탁월하게 할수있는 은혜가 있습니다.나는 구원받았습니다.

나는 하나님의 아들 딸이며 하나님의 생명과본성을 가지고있습니다.

나는 하나님의 의입니다.영생은 나의것입니다.의는 나의것입니다.

죄를 죄거함은 나의것입니다.구원 구출 해방 자유는 나의것입니다.

치유와 신성한건강은 나의것입니다.형통은 나의것입니다.

 나는 예수님의 권세를 가지고있습니다.나는 아가페 사랑을 할수있습니다.

나는 지혜가 있습니다.나는 상황을 바꾸며 항상 승리하는자입니다.

나는 내인생의 선지자입니다.나는 영혼구원자이며 킹덤빌더입니다.

예수님께서 피 흘리심으로 우리에 모든죄를 사하셨습니다.

예수님께서 채찍에 맞으심으로 우리에 모든병을 치료 하셨습니다.
예수님께서 가난하게 되심으로 우리를 부요케 하셨습니다.
예수님께서 저주를 받으심으로 우리를 율법의 저주에서 속량하셨습니다.
예수님께서 징계를 받으심으로 우리가 평안과 기쁨을 누립니다.
예수님께서 찔리심으로 우리의 모든 허물을 담당하셨습니다.
예수님께서 부활하심으로 우리에게 영원한 생명을 주셨습니다.
예수님께서 하늘보좌에 앉으심으로 우리를 함께 하늘에 앉히셨습니다.
예수님께서 성령을 보내심으로 우리와 항상 함께 하십니다.
예수님께서 재림하사 우리를 영광스런 아버지 나라로 데려가십니다. 

대한예수교장로회(대신개혁)킹덤빌더교회목사 이상열목사 


                       기독교신앙상담:이상열목사 010-3438-1859 

이상열목사후원 :기업은행 010 3438 1859 이상열


기독교 귀신 질병치유

2차 콘스탄티노플 신조 - 신조(신앙고백)

페이지 정보

작성자 킹덤빌더 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물  (175.♡.134.114) 작성일16-02-15 09:04 조회268회 댓글0건



The Anathemas
of the
Second Council of Constantinople
(553 AD)

The Second Council of Constantinople was called to resolve certain questions that were raised by the Definition of Chalcedon , the most important of which had to do with the unity of the two natures, God and man, is Jesus Christ. The Second Council of Constantinople confirmed the Definition of Chalcedon, while emphasizing that Jesus Christ does not just embody God the Son, He is God the Son.

If anyone does not confess that the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are one nature or essence, one power or authority, worshipped as a trinity of the same essence, one deity in three hypostases or persons, let him be anathema. For there is one God and Father, of whom are all things, and one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and one Holy Spirit, in whom are all things.If anyone does not confess that God the Word was twice begotten, the first before all time from the Father, non-temporal and bodiless, the other in the last days when he came down from the heavens and was incarnate by the holy, glorious, God-bearer, ever-virgin Mary, and born of her, let him be anathema.If anyone says that God the Word who performed miracles is one and Christ who suffered is another, or says that God the Word was together with Christ who came from woman, or that the Word was in him as one person is in another, but is not one and the same, our Lord Jesus Christ, the Word of God, incarnate and become human, and that the wonders and the suffering which he voluntarily endured in flesh were not of the same person, let him be anathema.If anyone says that the union of the Word of God with man was only according to grace or function or dignity or equality of honor or authority or relation or effect or power or according to his good pleasure, as though God the Word was pleased with man, or approved of him, as the raving Theodosius says; or that the union exists according to similarity of name, by which the Nestorians call God the Word Jesus and Christ, designating the man separately as Christ and as Son, speaking thus clearly of two persons, but when it comes to his honor, dignity, and worship, pretend to say that there is one person, one Son and one Christ, by a single designation; and if he does not acknowledge, as the holy Fathers have taught, that the union of God is made with the flesh animated by a reasonable and intelligent soul, and that such union is according to synthesis or hypostasis, and that therefore there is only one person, the Lord Jesus Christ one of the holy Trinity -- let him be anathema. As the word "union" has many meanings, the followers of the impiety of Apollinaris and Eutyches, assuming the disappearance of the natures, affirm a union by confusion. On the other hand the followers of Theodore and of Nestorius rejoicing in the division of the natures, introduce only a union of relation. But the holy Church of God, rejecting equally the impiety of both heresies, recognizes the union of God the Word with the flesh according to synthesis, that is according to hypostasis. For in the mystery of Christ the union according to synthesis preserves the two natures which have combined without confusion and without separation.If anyone understands the __EXPRESSION__ -- one hypostasis of our Lord Jesus Christ -- so that it means the union of many hypostases, and if he attempts thus to introduce into the mystery of Christ two hypostases, or two persons, and, after having introduced two persons, speaks of one person according to dignity, honor or worship, as Theodore and Nestorius insanely have written; and if anyone slanders the holy synod of Chalcedon, as though it had used this __EXPRESSION__ in this impious sense, and does not confess that the Word of God is united with the flesh hypostatically, and that therefore there is but one hypostasis or one person, and that the holy synod of Chalcedon has professed in this sense the one hypostasis of our Lord Jesus Christ; let him be anathema. For the Holy Trinity, when God the Word was incarnate, was not increased by the addition of a person or hypostasis.If anyone says that the holy, glorious, and ever-virgin Mary [Note: The claim that Mary is "ever-virgin" is Roman Catholic folklore. (Jonathan Barlow)] is called God-bearer by misuse of language and not truly, or by analogy, believing that only a mere man was born of her and that God the Word was not incarnate of her, but that the incarnation of God the Word resulted only from the fact that he united himself to that man who was born of her; if anyone slanders the Holy Synod of Chalcedon as though it had asserted the Virgin to be God-bearer according to the impious sense of Theodore; or if anyone shall call her manbearer or Christbearer, as if Christ were not God, and shall not confess that she is truly God-bearer, because God the Word who before all time was begotten of the Father was in these last days incarnate of her, and if anyone shall not confess that in this pious sense the holy Synod of Chalcedon confessed her to be God-bearer: let him be anathema.If anyone using the __EXPRESSION__, "in two natures," does not confess that our one Lord Jesus Christ is made known in the deity and in the manhood, in order to indicate by that __EXPRESSION__ a difference of the natures of which the ineffable union took place without confusion, a union in which neither the nature of the Word has changed into that of the flesh, nor that of the flesh into that of the Word (for each remained what it was by nature, even when the union by hypostasis had taken place); but shall take the __EXPRESSION__ with regard to the mystery of Christ in a sense so as to divide the parties, let him be anathema. Or if anyone recognizing the number of natures in the same our one Lord Jesus Christ, God the Word incarnate, does not take in contemplation only the difference of the natures which compose him, which difference is not destroyed by the union between them -- for one is composed of the two and the two are in one -- but shall make use of the number two to divide the natures or to make of them persons properly so called, let him be anathema.If anyone confesses that the union took place out of two natures or speaks of the one incarnate nature of God the Word and does not understand those __EXPRESSION__s as the holy Fathers have taught, that out of the divine and human natures, when union by hypostasis took place, one Christ was formed; but from these __EXPRESSION__s tries to introduce one nature or essence of the Godhead and manhood of Christ; let him be anathema. For in saying that the only-begotten Word was united by hypostasis personally we do not mean that there was a mutual confusion of natures, but rather we understand that the Word was united to the flesh, each nature remaining what it was. Therefore there is one Christ, God and man, of the same essence with the Father as touching his Godhead, and of the same essence with us as touching his manhood. Therefore the Church of God equally rejects and anathematizes those who divide or cut apart or who introduce confusion into the mystery of the divine dispensation of Christ.If anyone says that Christ ought to be worshipped in his two natures, in the sense that he introduces two adorations, the one peculiar to God the Word and the other peculiar to the man; or if anyone by destroying the flesh, or by confusing the Godhead and the humanity, or by contriving one nature or essence of those which were united and so worships Christ, and does not with one adoration worship God the Word incarnate with his own flesh, as the Church of God has received from the beginning; let him be anathema.If anyone does not confess that our Lord Jesus Christ who was crucified in the flesh is true God and the Lord of Glory and one of the Holy Trinity; let him be anathema.If anyone does not anathematize Arius, Eunomius, Macedonius, Apollinaris, Nestorius, Eutyches and Origen, together with their impious, godless writings, and all the other heretics already condemned and anathematized by the holy catholic and apostolic Church, and by the aforementioned four Holy Synods and all those who have held and hold or who in their godlessness persist in holding to the end the same opinion as those heretics just mentioned; let him be anathema.


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기독교신앙상담:이상열목사 010-3438-1859 

로운피조물 고백선포기도

1.나는 새로운피조물로서 하나님의본성과 생명을 가지고있습니다.

2.나는 하나님의걸작품이며 하나님의 의로 의로워졌습니다.

3.나는 죄로부터 깨끗히 씻겨졌습니다.

4.나는 어둠에권세로부터 해방되었습니다.

5.성령께서 내안에 거하십니다.

6.그리스도 예수안에있는 나는 하나님의 상속자입니다.

7.나는 생명안에서 다스리는자입니다.

8.나는 의인입니다.나에게는 더이상 정죄가 없습니다.

9.치유와건강 번영 형통 기쁨은 나의것입니다.

10.나는 모든일에 승리하는자입니다.

11.나는 아가페 사랑의 능력으로 살아갑니다.

12.성령님과 동행하는 나에게는 탁월한 능력이 있습니다.

13.나는 아가페사랑의 능력으로 살아갑니다.

14.내안에는 믿음이 있고 나는 믿음으로 살아갑니다.






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